
River City Fellowship: A Community of Faith and Love

  • By: River City Jville
  • Date: June 26, 2023
  • Time to read: 11 min.

Short answer river city fellowship:

River City Fellowship is a Christian church located in Louisville, Kentucky. It was founded in 1983 and focuses on community outreach and building relationships through worship and Bible-based teachings.

Discovering River City Fellowship: A Guide to Our Community

Welcome to River City Fellowship – a vibrant and growing community that is committed to serving one another, the city of San Antonio, and the world at large. At River City, we believe in fostering an authentic relationship with Jesus Christ while simultaneously building deep friendships with each other. Our community gathers together regularly for worship, study, fellowship and community outreach events.

Discovering River City Fellowship: A Guide to Our Community

Our History

With humble beginnings twenty years ago in 1999, River City was founded by senior pastor Chris Johnson. Starting out with just a few families gathering together for bible studies and worship services in their homes or local parks; it has since become a dynamic church home for hundreds of congregants who call it “home”.

At River City Fellowship, our mission is simple yet profound – Jesus’ great commission as stated in Matthew 28:18-20 – “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…””

Our Worship Services

Every Sunday morning at 10 AM sharp you can find us gathered together singing praise songs as we lift our voices high towards heaven in worship. We have a live band that leads us in contemporary music, intermixed with traditional hymns ensuring there’s something for everybody to enjoy.

Our sermons are centered around scripture-based teachings that are both practical and inspiring—leaving attendees refreshed and challenged each week.

Community Life

At River City Fellowship, life isn’t only about attending Sunday services but also about living life interconnectedly sharing different facets of each other’s worlds during the week. We meet up at least once during the week to connect through various events including bible studies groups (Men Only Bible Study & Women Only Bible Study), youth group meetings (The Refuge) casual hangouts, and volunteer opportunities.

We also hold annual outings such as camping trips which offer adventurous fun-filled weekends away from home that are perfect for family bonding experiences.

Mission Minded

God calls us to help those in need, so we believe it’s important to give back and show God’s love to the world around us. Our annual mission trip provides us with an opportunity to do just that! This year, our team went to build relationships and lend a helping hand at a refugee camp on the Mexican/US border.


At River City Fellowship, we believe that living life is all about loving God and loving people. We strive to provide a comfortable place where you can come exactly as you are loved unconditionally into becoming who you were created by God to be. As pastors, staff members, and congregants; every one of us considers ourselves authentic sinners saved by Grace looking to follow Jesus every step of the way.

So if you’re searching for deeper spiritual connections or looking for ways to serve your community through local outreach opportunities – River City Fellowship could be just what you’re seeking! Come along with us as we continue on this journey together.

How River City Fellowship is Making a Difference in our Area

River City Fellowship is a church that is more than just a place to attend on Sundays. This dynamic community is actively making a difference in our local area, by inspiring people to work together and creating meaningful change both within the congregation and beyond. From social justice campaigns to outreach programs, this church embodies the spirit of service, transforming lives and communities for the better.

One way River City Fellowship is making a difference in our area is through their social justice campaigns. This church boldly speaks out against injustice and inequality, promoting fair treatment for all people regardless of race, gender identity or socioeconomic status. By raising awareness about issues such as housing discrimination or police brutality, they educate their members on what’s happening in our world and help people find ways to make positive changes.

Another significant way River City Fellowship is impacting our area is through their commitment to outreach programs. They understand that sometimes the best ways to help others are very practical ones – providing food assistance, financial guidance or even medical care can make a huge difference in someone’s life. Through partnerships with local organizations like shelters or clinics, they are able to direct resources where they are most needed and truly be an impactful force for good.

Beyond their efforts inside the church walls mobile version link , River City Fellowship also plays an active role in creating community events that bring people together across different backgrounds and interests. Whether it’s organizing charity drives at Christmas time or sponsoring sports teams throughout the year, this church values building relationships that foster mutual respect and cooperation between all kinds of individuals.

All these activities show how River City Fellowship isn’t satisfied with simply preaching from behind lecterns – instead they live out their values and beliefs in practical ways that positively impact those around them every day. Their selfless approach to serving others has become an inspiration for many other churches trying to follow suit.

In closing sentence highlighting contribution “By embodying compassion for all who come into contact with it’s loving arms-whether that be within the congregation or on the streets outside, River City Fellowship is truly transforming lives and making our area a better place to live.”

Taking the Next Step with River City Fellowship: A Step-by-Step Guide

For those who are seeking to deepen their faith and grow in Christ, taking the next step with River City Fellowship can be an exciting and transformative experience. From attending the Sunday service to joining as a member, here is a step-by-step guide on how you can take the next step with River City Fellowship.

Step 1: Attend Sunday Service

The first step towards taking the next step with River City Fellowship is attending our weekly Sunday service. Our services are designed to be uplifting and inspirational, featuring dynamic worship music and powerful messages from our pastors. This is the perfect opportunity for you to get a feel for our community and begin building relationships with other believers.

Step 2: Join a Small Group

Once you have familiarized yourself with our community through regular attendance at Sunday services, we encourage you to join one of our small groups. These groups meet regularly in homes throughout Sacramento and provide a more intimate setting for fellowship, prayer, Bible study, and spiritual growth. It is through these small groups that deep friendships are formed and lives are transformed.

Step 3: Serve in Ministry

At River City Fellowship, we believe that everyone has unique gifts and talents that God wants to use for His Kingdom purposes. Serving in ministry not only allows you to use your gifts for God’s glory but also provides opportunities for growth, leadership development, and community outreach.

We have many different ministry opportunities available such as music ministry, children’s ministry, hospitality team etc..

To start serving in any areas of your interest contact us at rivercityfellowship.com/connect

Step 4: Become A Growth Track Member

If after going through these steps you feel like this is home then we would encourage you to become a Growth Track member – Following Jesus Every Day!

The Growth Track membership at River City Fellowship equips Christians by teaching them principles of life-long relationship growth with Jesus Christ.

When someone commits themselves into becoming Growth Track member. With Passing each level they get access to the following classes

ACE – Attend, Connect, Encounter

GLOW – Growing in Leadership and Ownership in the Worship Experience

ROOTED – Powerful 10 week journey of a deeper life in Christ through daily devotionals and weekly group discussions with fellow believers.

ADVANCE – Developing God Given Spiritual Gifts for Ministry.

Step 5: Get Involved

Lastly, once you’ve become a Growth Track member at River City Fellowship, it is time for you to get involved! Take ownership of your spiritual growth by investing in ministry opportunities where you feel called. Be intentional about building deep relationships with other believers and support our church through giving so we can transform more lives together.

In conclusion, taking the next step with River City Fellowship is all about deepening your relationship with Christ through authentic worship experiences, small groups, serving others in ministry opportunities, attending classes provided by Growth Track membership and getting involved intentionally within your communities & Church family. We hope this guide has been helpful in taking your next steps towards living out God’s plan for your life!

Frequently Asked Questions About River City Fellowship, Answered

River City Fellowship is a community of believers who seek to glorify God and share the love of Christ with those around them. As a church, we often receive questions from visitors, new members, and even long-time attendees about our beliefs, practices, and history. In this blog post, we aim to answer some of these frequently asked questions about River City Fellowship.

Question 1: What are your core beliefs as a church?

As a Christian Church, River City Fellowship upholds the teachings of the Holy Bible as the infallible word of God. We believe in the one true God who exists as three persons – Father, Son (Jesus Christ), and Holy Spirit. We also believe that Jesus is the only way to salvation and eternal life. Additionally, we uphold doctrines such as baptism by immersion after repentance and acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

Question 2: Do you have any programs for children?

Yes! We offer various programs for children at River City Fellowship including Sunday School classes for all ages during our main service time on Sunday mornings. Additionally, we have children’s programs such as Vacation Bible School during summer months.

Question 3: What is your worship style like?

Our worship style incorporates both modern praise songs and traditional hymns while aiming to create an atmosphere where individuals can connect with God through worship. Musical style aside, our focus remains solely on honoring God through song and worshiping Him in spirit and truth.

Question 4: How can I get involved in serving at River City Fellowship?

We are always excited to welcome new volunteers who are interested in serving at RCCF! Whether you wish to help with tech support or community outreach events – there are endless opportunities available. You can attend a Volunteer Orientation session to learn more about how you can get involved!

In conclusion

These were just some frequently asked questions regarding River City Fellowship but if you should have any additional queries feel free os reach out anytime as we would be happy to answer any questions you may have. At RCCF, our goal is to foster a warm and welcoming Christian community that is passionate about bringing people to Christ for the glory of God.

Why You Should Join River City Fellowship Today

Are you seeking a spiritual community that will uplift and support you on your journey? Look no further than River City Fellowship. Here are just a few reasons why becoming part of this vibrant church family is an excellent choice:

1. A Welcoming Environment: At River City Fellowship, everyone is welcome. The community embraces diversity and offers a warm and inviting space to all who enter its doors. Whether you are a long-time Christian or just beginning to explore your faith, you will feel at home here.

2. Empowering Messages: River City Fellowship’s pastors deliver inspiring sermons that address real-life issues in practical and relatable ways. You’ll walk away from every service feeling equipped to face the challenges of daily life with renewed strength and confidence.

3. Engaging Worship Experience: The worship services at River City Fellowship are lively, engaging, and uplifting. This isn’t a stiff, formal service where everyone sits silently in their pews – it’s an opportunity to let go of your inhibitions, connect with others through music and prayer, and experience the transformative power of God’s love.

4. An Opportunity for Service: One of the hallmarks of River City Fellowship is its commitment to serving both its members and the wider community. You’ll have plenty of opportunities to get involved with various service projects throughout the year.

5. A Network of Support: Life can be tough sometimes – but when you’re part of the River City Fellowship family, you’re never alone. This community provides a network of support that will help carry you through difficult times while also celebrating your successes alongside you.

In conclusion, there are many compelling reasons why joining River City Fellowship should be on your list today if you’re looking for a spiritual home that supports wholeness in body mind spirit ultimately leading transformational change in lives around them. From its welcoming environment to empowering messages during worship services as well as opportunities for involvement through serving others or within small groups, this is truly a community where you’ll find the support and connections to live your best life. So what are you waiting for? Come join us at River City Fellowship today.

Our Mission and Vision at River City Fellowship: What We Stand For.

River City Fellowship stands for a mission and vision that is both profound and powerful. As an organization, we believe in creating a community of spiritual growth, holistic healing, and authentic connection. Our mission is to empower individuals to live out their faith boldly while simultaneously building deeper relationships with God and others. We envision a world where everyone belongs – where each person would have an opportunity to discover their unique purpose and make a meaningful contribution in the world.

Our ultimate goal at River City Fellowship is to create an environment where people can be transformed by the love of Jesus Christ. We believe that he brings about true freedom through his teachings, which inspire us to serve and love our community in ways that are both practical and impactful.

At the core of everything we do, we emphasize the importance of being committed to one another in Christian fellowship. We believe this is essential because it helps us stay connected as brothers and sisters in Christ while also allowing us to grow together towards maturity.

One aspect that makes us stand out among other organizations is our commitment to holistic healing. We understand the complex nature of human beings; thus, we focus on nurturing our physical, emotional, relational, mental, spiritual health through various programs including counseling sessions etc. This approach ensures that we become more whole as individuals- ultimately leading us towards greater unity within our communities.

River city fellowship has a specific set of values we stand for: prayerfulness (prayer as central connection), authenticity (realness about who you are), generosity (giving extravagantly), compassion (helping beyond your limits – helping hands), faithfulness(staying true during trials) ).

As part of our vision for this community, we will strive for inclusivity across all demographics without bias or discrimination against race or gender orientation by ensuring equity is promoted at all levels- from members’ interactions with staffs/volunteers down!

We believe fully in planting seeds globally – giving back to areas less privileged in times of floods, hunger and poverty. Our vision for the world around us is one that would be transformed by Jesus Christ’s message of love- spreading hope and healing wherever it may be needed.

At River City Fellowship- we invite you to come as you are. We believe that true transformation occurs when we let go of our masks and allow ourselves to be seen. As a community, we welcome everyone with open arms- regardless of their past or present circumstances – just as Christ came for each person in need.

Through our mission and vision of creating a healthy, holistic, authentic community where everyone belongs- at River City Fellowship, we stand firm in this commitment towards serving God and others while transforming the world around us .

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